120,000 passengers every year,
why not you?

Boat hire companies, members of the French Nautical Industries Federation, invite you to take to the water for a unique break in the heart of France.
With 8,500 kilometres of navigable waterways, France offers a wide choice of unforgettable destinations, in the north and in the south. Whether it’s just the two of you, the whole family or with a group of friends, a boating holiday is a perfect way to explore France’s wonderful countryside, culture and cuisine at your own pace.
In the shade of a riverbank or in the heart of the city, tie up where you please and take advantage of the many fun and cultural activities available, on land or on the water: angling, canoeing, biking, hiking, tourism…You don’t need a licence or any special experience!
River boating is open to everyone.

About FIN
The French Nautical Industries Federation (FIN) aims to defend, represent and promote the different sectors of French nautical industries, both at home and abroad.
The FIN currently has more than 600 members, drawn from eleven nautical industry and service professions, representing more than 80% of the industry's turnover.
About VNF
Voies Navigables de France a pour missions d’assurer une bonne gestion du réseau national des voies navigables pour l’essor des activités fluviales. Pour ce faire, les personnels accomplissent au quotidien les différentes missions confiées par l’État. Le réseau de VNF s’étend sur 6700 kilomètres de fleuves, rivières et canaux.